
I'll Miss You Guys! | English Camp Phase II

Congratulations to the advisers, organizing committees, facilitators and participants for making this camp a tremendous success!

It has been a great fun working with you all. I'll miss all the good moments that we shared since phase I until phase II, and if there's phase III, I'm more than willing to participate, again!

To the advisers and committee, we're like one big family and I love this family and I hope you all love this family too!

Though I was the most hateful facilitator, I'm the second highest for best male facilitator voting. Hahaha!

See you guys when I see you. Enjoy your holidays and have fun!




Nurul Nuha said...

amir, good luck exam!!

belajar rajin2 yer.. =)

Sengal Ubi said...

Thanks sis. Walaupun aku dah habis exam lama kan.

Belajar rajin-rajin? Kau ingat aku ni rajin sangat ke?


Alia said...

Amir, taking this chance to say thanks (again) to you. Thanks for being so helpful, so understanding, so tolerating with me the unhelpful one. I appreciate you and what you've done on the emcee part. I was embarrass to be the emcee you know, I had no confidence and the worst part was, speechless. I think I learn a lot from you, and please forgive me kalau I ada buat salah dan silap. Ure the best!

Anonymous said...

best2..sedey x dpt join..wuuu

Unknown said...

miss so much mehh