
Now I Wonder

My stupidity look

I just gave this song a thought.

Twinkle-twinkle little star
How I wonder what you are

Up above the world so high
Like a diamond in the sky

What do you mean by "how I wonder what you are" when you already knew that it is a star? Even a four-year-old can answer that.


dllhsn said...

hei my adik homeroom!!!!!!!sihat tak?

Sengal Ubi said...

Kau kakak ke kau adik homeroom aku ek? Hehehe~

Bangganye aku kau dah fly Dilos... Aku doakan kau sentiasa selamat kat sana!

Mr Final said...

nih entry propa ke?

Sengal Ubi said...

entry down sebab tak dijemput jadi hakim final debat nc kot. hehehe~ bertaraf hakim final dengan finalis debat nc sekarang. sentap~

Anonymous said...

sabo amir..sabo..huhuhu..

Farah said...

mmm...I guess you got to learn semantics to understand what is meant by this song..