

Someone who got bored during short semester tagged me. And that someone happens to be Rani. Rani? Boink!

Anyway, this tag seems new. Fresh I would say. Something that isn't lame and ridiculous. So, I would love to do it. Duh! Fake Sengal Ubi, fake!


These are the rules that I'm meant to follow.

1. Search area rumah korang guna Google Maps.
2. Bulatkan mana satu rumah korang.
3. Tag 5 lagi rakan-rakan anda.

For someone who only wants to see result, here you are Rani.

Who's on the tag list:
1. Sis Nyda
2. Lan
3. Nuha
4. Dilos
5. Din

p/s: To those who didn't believe my house is on the river bank, you may now see it for yourselves.


Farani Mustafa said...

amir. mesti senang kan kalau kau nak wat experiment kat umah? chem warehouse dekat~ je :D

Sengal Ubi said...


hahaha~ ko x tgk direct exposion aku dkt bhn2 kimia tuh. mak aku pn soh aku buat praktikal kt situ. haih!

Nyda Zamani said...

kamu tag akak jgak ke??
tapi akak dah buat...
tak pe2..akak letak nama kamu jugak kat sana

dllhsn said...

menarik!okay2 nanti aku buat! tapi nak yg mane satu?yg sekarang oar kat msia?haha