
Another Complaint

It's hard to run three blogs at a time and yet I still wonder why I have my life unorganized.
God gave me 24 hours a day, and He gave me 168 hours a week, and He gave me another 720 hours a month and He made it additional by giving me another 8760 hours a year , and yet I still complaint that I don't have time. God, forgive your humble servant for being ungrateful. Bear in mind that God doesn't play dice.

But I'm thankful for having a very organized space of my own, in my room at the campus. It's not big, but convenient enough for me to breath and settle up myself. Have a look!

Everybody loves my new printer. And the black ink is about to dry
Two heavy books representing three killer subjects
the University of Sengal
My softboard which so many things attached to it. I really love the colours
Spot the differences between these two pictures
Managed to find any?
She wanted these two stay together. And so I didMy 18 credit hours time table. I've promised not to complaintDoes this resemble my professionalisme? Aizat said so. Hahaha!
The Chinese New Year card that I planned to give one to David and Mr. Lim (perhaps he might excuse me from Mandarin classes the whole semester)My mini library. Ignore the petroleum jelly and the book I haven't return to Abang AfifiThe VC Cup Debating Competiton adjudication invitations that I haven't distribute
My untidy drawers with lots of stuffs in itI love this place because it supplies me my sense of belonging


materialgalz said...

Eventhough, I still think that u r well organized with ur life. haha.. And what's goin on wif ur injuries? Feelin better?

Dyat said...

salam ami.
nampak anda juga sudah botak.
welcome to da club... haha
pemberontakan rambut panjang sy slama 3 tahun nmpaknya telah gagal..

definisi 'integriti' di UMP tetap adalah berambut pendek selain berkad matrik, dan kemas tight in... kui kui...

Mr Final said...

HUhu... last week pon baru kemas bilik dan susun2 seperti pihak tuan telah laksanakan.. haha tp xsempat pula utk ber klik2 utk diletak dlm blog.. huhU~

Macam menarik buku kaler merah di library kecil itu... :)

Sengal Ubi said...


Thanks for the review. Am I really that organized? Anyway the wound is getting better. Kena banyak telan ubat antibiotik. Doktor cakap 3 bulan baru dapat kulit cantik. Tu pun kalau jaga elok-elok.

Sengal Ubi said...

Bro Dayat,

Botak ini sangat menyelesakan. Tak payah nak buang banyak masa keringkan rambut pagi-pagi. Botak juga tanda protes kepada definisi integriti UMP.

Sengal Ubi said...

Abang Fify,

Sudah lama mahu memulangkan buku tersebut. Jangan bimbang, mana mungkin buku itu bertukar pemilik. Tapi kalau sang pemilik berkenan, bagus juga. Hehehe~

lijo said...

oh..sume bk same to me lah..lol