I would personally like to thanks those people who wished on my birthday. I was touched to know that many still remember my birthday. Thanks love.
1. Raja Azean
2. Nina
3. Abang Wan
3. Syidek
3. Hajar
4. Kak Nyda
5. Neywa
6. Kak Yana
7. Emak
8. 0195052327
9. Azalea
10. 0195229730
11. Eqa
12. Daoz
13. Jumain
14. Noorly
15. Abang Fify
16. 0199629485
17. Ecah
18. Robin Cheah
19. Along
20. Azlan Umar
21. Cik Nad
22. Nurul
23. Ponnarasy
24. Siti Nad
25. Barun
26. Acab
27. Irwan
28. Izzah
29. Wawi
30. Kak Ida
31. Bob
32. Rafiq
33. Dee
34. Rose
35. Efy
36. Sarol
37. Aru
38. Adik
39. Jefferson Lim
40. Kak Ainaa
41. Alia
42. Sayme
43. Kama
44. Soo Jin
45. Midah
46. Kartene
47. Elaine Kong
48. Zatie Freaks
49. Kak Mel
50. Ismat
51. Faera
52. Nanie
53. Anis
54. Aida
55. Dayah English Camp I
56. Atteya
57. Atiqah
58. Syafiq
59. Esma
60. Ee Hwa
61. Shanu
62. Azaad Umar
63. Kim Chang
64. Aifaa KSP
65. Shue KSP/KMJ
66. Hashim
67. Abang Azril
68. Irwan Shah
69. Syed
70. Aini English Camp
71. Waney Achu
72. 0133048258
73. Syamsul Ikhwan
74. Khairul Rabani
75. Deejay
77. Bobby
78. Asilah
79. Azam
80. Aizat
81. Dayah
82. Timun
83. Bina Rajan
84. Lavania Mohan
85. Idaii Aniza
86. Rosnajihah
87. Daus Otai
88. Acap
89. Azim
90. Khairunnisa (Khai SKSK)
91. Mojak
92. Miss Marziah
93. Haniff Borhan
94. Roswani
95. Kak Long Diana
96. Nurul Nuha
97. Rafie Zuhaili
98. Farah Zahidah
99. Auntie Ja
100. Datin Aini
101. Seha
102. Tqah
103. Cupid
104. Hana Jasney
105. Syafiqah
106. Hafiz Majid
107. Harith Iskandar
108. Jue Obie
109. Husna
110. Kay
111. Adam
-Sorry for the unnamed numbers. I'll write your names once the handphone starts working functionally.
And today witness an addition to my age. I'm 21 today, which according to the Federal Constitution, I'm at the legal age to register as general election voter. To me, age is just a number, with lots of responsibilities come together as prize.
A friend reminded me that at this age, I should be able to think rationally, and he advised me to lower my ego. And I was like freaked out. He was right. I should lower my ego. People hate me for that. But that's me. If you love me, it comes together with the package. Never mind, I will deepen the thought. Maybe the time for a change has come.
I've been living my 21 years of life with love and happiness, and I couldn't thank God enough for it. May my life be blessed with His love, and may your love too.
Thanks Raja Azean for the doughnut. My favourite!
Thanks Nina for the singing. Reminds me of your special wish with your roommates two years ago. I missed that moment.
Thanks to those who called, SMSed, Skyped, YMed, shout outed and commented on blog. I really appreciate it.
Again, thank you love.
no wonder xreply eh.ish3.trok3.no 12 tu my no.abes la org pakat salin pasneh.
Sorry Daoz. Wanted to reply but there is 'kekangan ekonomi' here and there.
This is one of my way of saying thank you, to appreciate everybody.
Thanks for the wish ya.
sowi lmbt....
tp smpt lgkn....
epi bufday to U....
epi bufday to U....
epi bufday to Amir....
epi bufday to U....
Allah selamatkn kamu...
Allah selamatkn kamu...
Allah peliharakn kamu....
Allah peliharakn kamu....
lawak la ko ismat. seb baik ko memang badot.
anyway, thanks for the wish.
mane ade lawaknye....
kalu mengikut kitab Badut Jilid 3...
itu dikre sbg ucapan hari jadi dgn nyanyian sumbang....
any way....
entah r....
dh blank plok....
6t idea tu muncul blk aku tulis lg...
tah nye amir.selambe je ko letak no fon owang kt blog ko kn..
dh ar blog ko femes..huhu..
bob... ye je blog aku femes. blog fadzli tuh yang femes. hahaha~ tu la, kalo aku ada nama takde la aku letak nombor kan. hehehe~ cepat ngaku nombor sape!
hepi besday bro..
semoga sentiasa berjaya dalam hidup..
kena panggil fadzli ke pasni?
glamor skit name fadzli..
hehe.. =]
iskh kak ida nih... hehehe~ pelik la panggil nama tuh... hehehe~
thanks kak for the wish!
slmt ari lahir bro..
rpenye ko lg tua dari aku..hihi
btw,aepy brthday..
xpe... aku ttp statuskn ko sbg senior aku syafiq. hahaha~
aku pn lg tua dari bob. haha!
haa..yg ni 20 tu nombor aku..
ye..sape2 yg nk kenal msj la aku ye..
hahaha =D
hehehe~ aku da update da. tak ley bagi no ko, kang mara datin seri ara tuh. ngeh3
wahai warga bumi sekalian...
lihatlah nama siapa yang berada di no.1...
Hahaha~ Trimas la pada orang nombor satu tu. Ngeh3~
amir tukaq no 17 tu...
that's my phone no...
waaa femes r pasni ramai yg contact (bajet HOT) hehe...*chuckle*
k all da best tuk final xm...
ma'a bi taufiq wa najjah (^_^)
La... Dah lepas ke b'day ko? Sia2 aku simpan telur tembelang. Xpe, jap lagi aku baling kat pintu bilik ko ok :)
ecah, tak bajet tapi memang. ngeh3...
rani, smpn tok besday bob. ngeh2
perhaps miss orang yg last kot... happy birthday amir!
thank you miss marziah!
sy yg ke-4 ek???
mmg kene btol..
no fevret sy selain dari 11
teringat masa mula2 knal kamu..hmmm
nnt akak cite..hehe~
sis nyda
i want to know that story! hehehe~
hmm..lmbat lagi..
kene tunggu sampai tiba waktu
sori lmbt...Hepi Belated!!. moga panjang umur murah rezki!!!
biar lambat asal wish. hahaha~ it's better late than never.
haha...bannga pulakk nama ade dalam list
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